Homework and daily work will be used as preparation and practice. It will be risk free (not graded) and will be used to inform learning and instruction.
Homework and daily work may be recorded in Infinite Campus as Missing (M), Incomplete (I), or Turned-In (T) to inform students and parents.
All homework must be completed prior to taking any assessment.
All formative and summative assessments must be completed to earn credit and a final grade in the class.
All homework must be submitted prior to taking assessments.
All tests and quizzes must be completed within 2 weeks of the original assessment date.
Students will be provided multiple opportunities to show proficiency.
Students must complete a "Request to Retest" form which includes proof of activities to prepare for retest and parent/guardian signature.
Retakes must be scheduled with the teacher and occur within 2 weeks of the original assessment.
The retest score will be recorded in Infinite Campus noted with a "Retest" comment.
Students will be allowed no more than 3 retakes per quarter.
Additional Grading Policies
All student work will be alligned to standards and learning targets and will be communicated.
Extra credit, bonus points, and challenge points will not be accepted unless it specifically relates to learning targets.
When assessing student work, meaningful, timely, and specific feedback will be provided.
Deadlines for completion of incomplete and missing work will be consistent.
Cheating will not be tolerated and an Academic Violation will be submitted to administration for any incident. Students caught cheating on an assessment will be given a zero on the
assessment and a retake will not be allowed.