Module 3

Integumentary System

Module 3 Abbreviations
Use this presentation to get abbreviations note cards.
More About Abbreviations.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 929.1 KB
Module 3 Word Parts
Integumentary System
Module 3 Integumentary System.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 784.4 KB

MRSA - What is it?

Staph Infections

Streptococcus - Barbie Version!

Zubaida's Story!


From a remote village in Afghanistan, Zubaida underwent 12 surgeries in one year to repair severe burns she received after pouring kerosene into a home cooking stove while it was hot.  An amazing transformation...

Valentine's Day Project!
Use these medical terms to build two Valentine's cards for others!
Valentine's Day.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 67.6 KB